Five Phrases Your Boss Loves to Hear!

wordpressEver wonder what your boss thinks of you? Solving this mystery can sometimes mean the difference between staying in
one position for 12 years and getting a promotion within 6 months of hire. The relationship you have with your Supervisor is critical to your professional success. Don’t know where to start? Here are 5 phrases that your Boss is waiting to hear from the next person he/she is looking to promote:

1. “I’ll handle it.”  This is music to our ears! Knowing that a team member is taking control of a situation takes a lot of stress off of the Supervisor and allows him to focus on other programmatic or fiscal needs. Taking initiative without constantly asking the Boss for help makes you seem competent and in control.

2. “What do you need?”  Your Boss cannot do everything by herself. Just as you need team members to help you complete tasks your Supervisor needs assistance as well. Having a “that’s not  my job” mentality is a sure fire way to keep you in the same position for years to come.

3. “I apologize.”  Every Supervisor loves an employee who is willing to take responsibility for his actions. If you know you made a mistake own up to it immediately and be ready to take action. Humility is a very admirable quality that most Managers respect and look for.

4. “I appreciate you.” Positive reinforcement is not just for line staff! Your Boss has feelings just like you and appreciates words of encouragement. Just be sure that your words are genuine and not a shameless effort to “kiss up.” No one likes a brown-noser !

5. “Yes, I’m available.”  More music to our ears! Supervisors are not likely to promote someone who is only available during regular business hours. Yes-we all have personal lives and outside obligations. However, you Boss is more likely to offer you a promotion if you make an honest effort to make yourself available for emergency needs. Remember: Excellence sometimes means doing work for free!

What other phrases can we add to this list?

I would love to hear from you!

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